From Seeds February – March 2025
On behalf of the Finance & Property Team, Fiona Somerville highlights the plus-points of Gift Aid.
In these economically difficult times, we understand that people may find it challenging to increase their charitable giving as much as they would like, but could you help Augustine boost its income using Gift Aid?
When you Gift Aid a charity donation, the government adds another 25p for every pound you give. We calculate that, for 2024, Augustine will be able to reclaim over £11,500 from the government in Gift Aid.
This is very welcome, although to meet the financial challenges we also face, we would love to increase this figure. Anyone can Gift Aid donations provided you pay enough income tax during the year to cover the amount the charity (or charities) you donate to reclaim from the government in Gift Aid. This means that for every £100 pounds you pay annually in income tax you can make Gift Aided donations of up to £400 to charity, and the charity (or charities) will receive an additional £100 from the government.
If you haven’t already done so, feel you meet the above criterion, and would like to help Augustine boost its income in this simple way, please consider completing a Gift Aid declaration form, which can be downloaded from the website. Or you can talk to our treasurer (Ewen Harley) or Gift Aid coordinator (Fiona Somerville).
Link to Gift Aid declaration form: