
We work hard to make our worship progressive, inclusive, welcoming and accessible to diverse ages, abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, cultures and social backgrounds. We are always listening and adapting our practices and perspectives to include and affirm more people. Typical services include prayers, Bible readings, silence, images, preaching, music for reflection, poetry, stories and more. Communion is on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.

We offer simple and clear instructions throughout the services so if you have never been to a church service before you can easily join in. The service is led using a PowerPoint so it is simple to follow. There are instruments for children to play and people are encouraged to feel able to get up and walk around if they need.

We have a Junior Church Programme which starts with all age worship and then separates to offer the children activities tailored to their age and learning styles.

If you have questions about our Worship Service or have anxieties about coming to worship for the first time, please get in touch with one of our ministers or elders.

To watch a Sunday service live or to visit our archive of recordings please visit the Sunday Worship Page.

You can find out more about weddings, funerals, baptisms, other life ceremonies here.

The Seasons of Worship

Our worship throughout the year follows a pattern of seasons.

The worship year begins not in January but December, with the season of Advent as we remember waiting and hoping for change to come. This is our worship year, roughly connected with the months in which the seasons occur:

  • Season of Advent – waiting in Hope (Dec)
  • Season of Christmas – celebrating God coming into our world (Dec)
  • Season of Epiphany – seeing the world as it looks in the light Jesus shines (Jan/Feb)
  • Season of Lent – discerning what is truly important in life (Feb/Mar)
  • Season of Easter – celebration of the new life and hope which Jesus brings (Mar/April)
  • Season of Pentecost – living life empowered by the Spirit of God (May/June/July)
  • Season of Festival – listening for God’s Word in the Arts (Aug)
  • Season of Creationtide – following Jesus as we seek to live with integrity as part of the earth (Sept)
  • Season of Wholeness – following Jesus as we seek wholeness in body, mind and spirit (Oct)
  • Season of Remembrance – remembering our past to equip us to follow Jesus in the present & future (Nov)
  • Season of Advent….

Many of our regular Sunday morning worship services mark special annual themes, such as Remembrance Sunday, LGBTQI History Month, Mental Health Sunday, Pride Sunday, Creationtide, Christian Aid Sunday, Service of the Longest Night (Grief in Advent), Transgender Remembrance Sunday, Homelessness & Poverty Sunday. And we also have occasional special services at other times such as our All Age Christmas Day Celebration and the Service of the Longest Night.

You can visit several years of our services on our YouTube page.