The AUC Community aspires in all our relationships, in person and through written communication (on and off line) to:
- Believe in people as good and hold the best out for each other.
- Be patient and come to relationships from a position of love.
- Create space to listen to each other, asking questions & take an interest in others.
- Try to see another’s perspective, listening deeply to other views and experiences.
- Respect different views and see difference as positive.
- Work at being self-aware and care for ourselves.
- Affirm that mistakes are OK and don’t seek to blame (others or self).
- Take responsibility for ourselves.
- Be responsible in the ways we portray AUC to the wider community.
- Not talk about others in a derogatory way.
- Seek to resolve issues of conflict directly with the person/s involved.
In formal meetings we will additionally:
- Respect time keeping.
- Speak only for ourselves.
- Respect the boundaries of confidentially agree by the meeting.
- Respect different opinions & seek to understand.
- Manage our own air space.
- Have only one voice speaking at a time.
Living this out is the responsibility of each and all of us.
Agreed during Church Meeting 7th September 2020