Interdependent, diverse, overlapping, growing and evolving is the organisational life of AUC.
Church Meeting
At the heart of AUC is the Church Meeting. This meets monthly alternating between a topical discussion meeting and a business meeting. For more information about our Church Meetings, please go to the Church Meetings page.
Church Council
The URC ordains Elders who sit on the Church Council. Elders are ordained for life, but in AUC we have times when Elders are serving and times when they are non-serving. Church Council oversees church order, acts on the decisions of Church Meeting and recommends to Church Meeting.
Church Council meets monthly. In our situation working in partnership with MCC in our Our Tribe Ministry, MCC Clergy involved with Our Tribe are also members of Church Council.
Who’s Who
Within Church Council are Office Bearers (Church Secretary, Treasurer and Minister). We have a Safeguarding Officer and Church Staff. Find out Who’s Who.
Church Life Ministry Teams (CLMTs)
In order to realise our vision, Church Meeting agreed to form Church Life Ministry Teams which take responsibility for different areas of Church Life. These groups have a Team Leader who is an Elder. For more information about our CLMTs, please go to the Church Life Ministry Teams page.