Exploring our Aspirations

The URC National Synod of Scotland has 8 Aspirations about Unconditional Love, Inclusion, Radical, Journey, Other Faiths & None, Peace & Justice, Creation, Development.
On Wednesday evenings 7.30-8.30pm Aug-Nov 2024, we are invited to explore how we can more fully live out these Aspirations through discussion, prayer, reflection and action.
These online sessions are open to all. Please email Gemma for the zoom link for the series at

Here is the program:

August        Responding to God’s love through inclusive worship.
Wed  8         Introduction
Wed 14        Prayer
Wed 21        Faith Reflection
Wed 28        Action

September   Acting on our concern for all God’s Creation.    
Wed 4            Introduction
Wed 11          Prayer
Wed 18         Faith Reflection
Wed 25         Action

October       Showing that the love of God is radical.
Wed 9          Introduction
Wed 16        Prayer
Wed 23        Faith Reflection
Wed 30        Action

November   Understanding and working with people of other faiths and none.
Wed 6          Introduction
Wed 13        Prayer
Wed 20        Faith Reflection
Wed 27        Action