AUC offers affirming space for Christians who are LGBT+ to meet together, to share their experience, to find support and to explore their faith. We work as a church to make our liturgy inclusive and affirming. AUC’s ministry welcomes, supports and affirms Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender non-conforming and Queer plus communities, friends, family and allies.
Our main LGBT+ specific outreach is through Our Tribe; a monthly gathering where we share in communion and various activities including poetry readings, quiz nights, hymn singing and more. This is supported by our strong partnership with Metropolitan Community Churches.

“Our Tribe” is open to anyone who wants to explore sexuality and gender identity and Christian faith issues whether or not you are LGBTQI. Everyone is very welcome, even allies, as we learn and journey together.
We hold two gathering per month. One online with a topic and communion, the other is an in-person social gather in a cafe.
Our monthly online gatherings (on Zoom) on the first Thursday evening of each month, starting at 19:20 with the main session beginning at 19:30. If you would like to join them and require the meeting room details for Zoom, please send us a private message on Facebook or email us at
Our monthly social gathering are on the the last Sunday of the monthly 1.30-3pm. Please email us if you would like to come along.
We hope to see you soon.
‘We Are Loved’ LGBTQI affirming worship resource book is now available electronically. To request a copy, please email
Pride Services
Ordination of Rev Kai Millar to the Metropolitan Community Church
On Saturday 28 May at AUC we celebrated the Ordination of Rev Kai Millar as a clergy person within the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC). The service was conducted by Rev Elder Maxwell Reay and Rev Fiona Bennett delivered the sermon.